
please love me or i'll be gone

when wake up my sister suggest me a very good song,its all out of love by soluna. an old song but i love it so! and today is lovely sunday.. :)

fyi,mid test is coming,still no preparation to study. *sighh

ahh,my besties will leaving tomorrow. they have their SOT from their college and they have it in Singapore. dank,so nice!!  and he will leaving too. i just wish you guys have a nice and a safe trip. (no conference in bbm with them for a week,sob sob**)

i was try to not write about him as long as i could stand. & maybe that is the easiest way.. i know i'mjustasillygirl! (aww!)

anw,i have a new photo..

i don't wanna f a l l

because i  d o n ' t  know
if you're there to
      ---- >  c-a-t-c-h me.

Remember the secrets we shared?
Remember how much I knew you?
Remember when we promised nothing
would come between us, & we would
be best friends forever?

Remember when you came to me in any situation?
Remember how much I loved you?

do you remember?


you should a l w a y s remember who's important in your life because there is always that

:c e r t a i n::s o m e o n e: who will be there for you {[n o m a t t e r w h a t.]} It could be a best friend, a special someone, p a r e n t s, relatives, even p e t s , but those people will a l w a y s be there for you. Even when you are feeling;;


 all i want to do is just forget you! (if i could,i will..)

enough for today,and i can't stop listening all out of love by soluna. :)


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